Useful links find out more about DNA barcoding and freshwater biota Research Gate World Elmidae contact us! DNA barcoding pages IBOL The International Barcode of Life GeneBank The National Center for Biotechnology Information – GeneBank CCDB Canadian Centre for DNA barcoding DNA barcoding blog Dirk Steinke’s Blog on DNA Barcoding BOLD The Barcode of Life Data Systems The Barcode Blog Mark Stoeckle Blog on DNA Barcoding International, national and smaller barcoding initiatives NorBol Norwegian Barcode of Life SwissBOL Swiss Barcode of Life GBOL German Barcode of Life ABOL Austrian Barcode of Life FINBOL Finnish Barcode of Life BeBOL Belgian Network for DNA Barcoding CROBOL Croatian Barcode of Life BFB Barcoding Fauna Bavarica SDBOL San Diego Barcode of Life FISH-BOL Fish Barcode of Life PolarBOL Polar Barcode of Life Initiative ABBI All birds barcoding initiative Sponge BP The Sponge Barcoding Project Trichoptera BOL Trichoptera Barcode of Life Lepidoptera BOL Lepidoptera Barcode of Life Diversity of freshwater ecosystems: databases, initiatives, projects DNAqua-Net COST iniciatíva FIP Freshwater Information Platform FEI GBIF Global Biodiversity Informative Facility Fauna-EU Fauna Europaea FREDIE Freshwater Diversity Identification for Europe EFFS Europaean Federation for Freshwater Sciences BioFresh The network for global freshwater biodiversity ČLS Česká limnologická společnost FBA Freshwater Biological Association Slovak limnology: institutions, initiatives, projects… SLS Slovak limnological society CBRB SAV Plant Science and Biodiverzity Centre, SAS VÚVH Water Research Institute KE PríFUK Department of ecology Faculty of Nat. Sci. CU KBVE FEE Tuzvo Department of biology and ekológie FEE TUZVO KBE FPV UMB Department of biology and ecology UMB Plecoptera Slovaca Stoneflies of Slovakia Váž Dragonflies of Slovakia Authors of pictures: Matej Žiak, Fedor Čiampor, Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Tomáš Čejka FollowFollow join us!