About us
Who we are and who is helping us?
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How did it all begin?
Our story…
The idea of creating a reference database of all kinds of aquatic fauna and flora of Slovakia, which would serve both scientific purposes and practice, was born sometimes in 2010, when we built a laboratory for molecular identification of aquatic animals with the support of the EU project and besides other issues, we started producing the first aquatic animal barcodes…
what is DNA barcoding?
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Who we are?
Our team…
We started to implement this idea more intensively later at the Plant Sciences & Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy od Sciences (CBRB SAV) in Bratislava as “ZooLab” supported by several smaller national / bilateral projects (VEGA, APVV), in which barcoding was also incorporated. Our team is continuously supplemented by students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University in Bratislava.
AquaBOL.SK "Core team"
Jadro nášho tímu tvoria kmeňoví zamestnanci CBRB SAV. “Core team” zabezpečuje progres a koordináciu aktivít v rámci AquaBOL.SK, ako aj fungovanie AquaBOL.SK databázy barkódov v rámci platformy BOLD. Spolupracuje s domácimi a zahraničnými inštitúciami, univerzitami, individuálnymi odborníkmi a obdobnými barkódingovými iniciatívami v zahraničí. “Core team” je zodpovedný za prezentáciu výsledkov a dosiahnutého pokroku v rámci vedeckej komunity, disemináciu hlavných myšlienok verejnosti a aktualizáciu webovej stránky AquaBOL.SK.

Fedor Čiampor Jr
RNDr. PhD.
Our “head”. He’s managing most of the things, presents our results, searches for contacts, represents us abroad … Besides, he works in the field, in the laboratory and is experienced in water insects, especially beetles. And he contributes to this site.

Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová
RNDr. PhD.
She takes care of our data. Manages samples, sequences, ensures contact with databases. In addition, she collects samples in the field, works in the lab and is experienced in aquatic invertebrates. And she also manages this site.

Tomáš Čejka
Ing. PhD.
He mainly provides field samples, specializing in the permanent aquatic fauna, especially molluscs (both aquatic and terrestrial). He knows interesting sites and supplies us with photos for this web :-).

Ladislav Pekárik
Mgr. PhD.
In this project he covers everything about fish, knows exactly where to look for and how to catch them. He is interested in invasive species and applying scientific knowledge in practice.
Young scientists and students
Young scientists and students of the AquaBOL team work on partial topics within their PhD, diploma and bachelor’s theses. They come mainly from the Department of Ecology, Department of Zoology and Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava.

Patrik Macko
PhD. student at the Department of Ecology, FNS Comenius University, studies the diversity of Slovak mayflies and aquatic beetles of the Tatra lakes using DNA barcoding

Ondrej Vargovčík
PhD. student at the Department of Ecology, FNS, Comenius University, deals with metabarcoding of aquatic organisms of Tatra lakes and bioinformatics

Michaela Šamulková
graduate at the Department of Zoology, FNS, Comenius University, deals with DNA barcoding of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Slovakia and water bugs (Hemiptera) of Tatra lakes

Kornélia Tuhrinová
graduate at the Department of Ecology, FNS, Comenius University, studies the population-genetic structure of the flatworm Crenobia alpina in the Tatra lakes

Jana Bozáňová
PhD. student at the Department of Ecology, FNS, Comenius University, studies the genetic diversity of model macroinvertebrate species of karst springs and streams in the Western Carpathians

Marek Linský
PhD. student at the Department of Zoology, FNS, Comenius University, works on the topic “Elmidae of Latin America: taxonomy, DNA barcoding and phylogeny of selected genera (Coleoptera)“

Kristína Laššová
RNDr., PhD.
after completing her PhD. and maternity leave, she is also devoted mainly to DNA barcoding and taxonomy of aquatic beetles of the family Elmidae
It would not be possible without them…
Our partners
Of course, we would not be able to do it ourselves, so we cooperate with several institutions and individuals from Slovakia and abroad. They contribute to the building of the reference database of aquatic biota by providing interesting samples of organisms for processing, participation in joint projects, taxonomic expertise or financial support. Unfortunately, it is still not enough, so we will be glad if you contribute as well!
Taxonomic experts
- RNDr. Matej Žiak, PhD. (Plecoptera)
- doc. RNDr. Tomáš Derka, PhD. (Ephemeroptera)
- Mgr. Dušan Šácha (Odonata)
- doc. RNDr. Ján Kodada, CSc. (Coleoptera)
- RNDr. Tomáš Navara, PhD. (Trichoptera)