Projects, publications, contributions, publicity
Although DNA barcoding and building barcode reference libraries for aquatic biota of Slovakia is the main focus of this initiative, the necessary part of our work is the research within scientific projects, from which AquaBOL.SK is co-financed and presenting the ideas of DNA barcoding and results gained to the scientific community, in the form of scientific papers, presentations at scientific meetings or communicating with the public.
Metabarcoding of macrozoobenthos samples, 2021 (Scientific Report: A Shared Analysis of the Danube River, Chapter 13, p. 121-132)
Metabarcoding of fish eDNA samples, 2021 (Scientific Report: A Shared Analysis of the Danube River, Chapter 14, p. 133-144)
Pont, D., Keskin, E., Meulenbroek, P., Ünal, E.M., Bammer, V., Dejean, T., Er, A., Erős, T., Jean, P., Lenhardt, M., Nagel, Ch., Pekárik, L., Schabuss, M., Stoeckle, B., Stoica, E., Valentini, A., Zornig, H. & Weigand, A.M.In: In: JOINT DANUBE SURVEY 4 SCIENTIFIC REPORT: A SHARED ANALYSIS OF THE DANUBE RIVER
Metadata standards and practical guidelines for specimen and DNA curation when building barcode reference libraries for aquatic life, 2021
An urban Blitz with a twist: rapid biodiversity assessment using aquatic environmental DNA, 2021
The tale of springs and streams: how different aquatic ecosystems impacted the mtDNA population structure of two riffle beetles in the Western Carpathians, 2020
DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe: Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work, 2019
Alpine lakes and ponds – a promising source of high genetic diversity in metapopulations of aquatic insects, 2017
Current stocking program of the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus, L.) can negatively shape its genetic variability in the Middle Danube, 2019
Why we need sustainable networks bridging countries, disciplines, cultures and generations for aquatic Biomonitoring 2.0: A perspective derived from the DNAqua-Net COST action, 2018
Development of microsatellite loci for two Agabus diving beetle species from the pooled DNA and testing their utility in mountain lake populations, 2017
Integrating molecular tools into freshwater ecology: developments and opportunities, 2014
Short contributions
In this section we present contributions from scientific conferences, in scientific and popular-educational periodicals, as well as in other media, where we present the DNA barcoding and its potential and usefulness in the study of aquatic biota.
DNA vo vodách Dunaja (budúcnosť monitoringu?), 2020
DNA metabarkóding vodných bezstavovcov troch tatranských plies, 2020
Aquatic survey in the driest European country: Building a public aquatic macroinvertebrate DNA barcode reference library for Malta, 2019
Integrative evidence for hidden species diversity and long-term divergence within Gammarus balcanicus Schäferna 1923 morphospecies in the northernmost part of the Carpathian Arc, 2019
AquaBOL.SK – barcoding of Slovak aquatic biota launched in the mountains, 2019
True story of the riffle beetles diversity in Latin America – revealed by DNA barcoding, 2019
AquaBOL.SK - DNA barkóding vodnej bioty Slovenska, 2019
AquaBOL.SK – platforma pre barkóding vodnej bioty Slovenska, 2019
Biomonitoring vôd novej generácie, 2018
Slovak aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna DNA barcoding – status quo, 2018
In search for refugia in Western Carpathians through DNA barcoding. The case of stoneflies (Plecoptera), 2018
Genetic diversity of aquatic invertebrates in the Western Carpathians, 2018
Biomonitoring 2.0 – nový „vietor“ v hodnotení stavu a kvality našich vôd, 2018
Molekulárna diverzita vodných chrobákov (Coleoptera) tatranských jazier, 2018
Vývoj nových genetických nástrojov na hodnotenie stavu bioty vodných ekosystémov Európy, 2018
O krôčik bližšie k (e)DNA metabarkódingu našich vôd, 2018
DNA barcoding of aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of Slovakia – first insight, 2017
DNA barcode reference library of gammarids from the Carpathian biodiversity and endemism hotspot, 2017
DNA barkóding vodnej fauny: prečo, načo a ako je to u nás na Slovensku, 2017
In this section, we present research projects in which we are currently involved and which help fund AquaBOL.SK activities.
How environmental DNA (eDNA) reflects life in alpine lakes and their catchments: DNA metabarcoding in the Tatra lakes research - VEGA2/0084/21
Alpine lakes are globally unique aquatic habitats contributing significantly to the regional biodiversity and preserving ecosystem services. However, many of them are at risk, in particular from human activity and climate change. Their protection is therefore crucial, but must be based on accurate and up-to-date data. The project, following previous research of Tatra lakes, will for the first time use innovative molecular methods in the assessment of the alpine lakes biodiversity: metabarcoding, analysis of environmental DNA, NGS. They have great potential to describe the current state of biodiversity of lakes and their catchments in detail, detect rare/non-native species, determine the impact of environmental factors on aquatic biota and assess the species genetic variability. The project also includes the generation of reference molecular data (DNA barcoding) of the Tatra aquatic fauna, which is essential for the correct interpretation of metabarcoding data and will enable their use in modern monitoring.
Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe - EU COST CA15219
The goal of this Action is to nucleate a group of researchers across disciplines with the task to identify gold-standard genomic tools and novel eco-genomic indices for routine application for biodiversity assessments of European water bodies. Jointly with water managers, politicians and other stakeholders, the group will develop a conceptual framework for the standard application of eco-genomic tools as part of legally binding assessments.
Genomic BIodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems - EU COST CA18134
In a rapidly changing environment, the resilience of ecosystems depends ultimately on species adaptability. G-BIKE will provide standard and routine tools for assessing, monitoring and managing genetic resilience and related adaptation potential of populations. G-BIKE will help EU experts integrate genetic and evolutionary knowledge into conservation planning and promote cross-border management and long-term monitoring programs to ensure the continuation of populations and ultimately continue to provide ecosystem services.
DNA Barcoding Elmidae – molecular taxonomy in describing biodiversity of water beetles - VEGA02/0101/16
Beetles play a key role in the functioning of ecosystems and are important for monitoring the impacts of environmental change. The aim of the project is taxonomy research of Elmidae from all over the world, producing and analysis of DNA barcodes, comparison of taxonomy using morphology and molecular approaches (evaluation of DNA data potential for family taxonomy), description of new taxa and estimating possibilities of using DNA barcoding of Elmidae in practice.
Diversity and dispersal in metapopulations and meta-communities of ponds - VEGA 2/0030/17
The project is focused on the research of understudied ecosystems of small aquatic habitats, which are particularly important for biodiversity. It will substantially extend the existing set of data on communities of natural small aquatic habitats of lowlands and mountain areas and anthropogenically impacted habitats. Model organisms will be macrophytes, molluscs, zooplankton and aquatic insects for their indication value, different ecological requirements and functions in trophic relationships. The main goal is to describe the rules of biological diversity of small aquatic habitats for their effective protection.
Cryptic refugia and diversification patterns in aquatic invertebrates of Western Carpathians - APVV-SK-PL-2015-0042
Aquatic invertebrate fauna is an important part of the biota of the Carpathian region, with several important roles (food source, monitoring, ecologically important species, etc.). Nevertheless, it has never been more comprehensively studied. The project was aimed at building a team with a potential to study the development, phylogeny and genetic structure of aquatic invertebrate populations inhabiting Western Carpathians. Part of the project was joint field work and collecting the material, which is also currently used to acquire new barcoding data for Slovakia.
New project
For now the blank space for a new barcode project focused on the biodiversity of our waters, potentially in cooperation with you !! 🙂