Scientific Program
The scientific program will run over four days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) starting with plenaries at 9:00 in the morning, following with blocks of regular/special sessions. Parallel sessions will run on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and Poster session will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Optional Workshop is planned for Monday late afternoon. For overview of invited plenary speakers see here: Plenary speakers. Mid-conference field excursions will be organised on Wednesday. For a continuously updated detailed program and list of speakers, please see the Conference Program.
Plenary Speakers
Plenary lectures will be held every regular conference day since 9.00 am in Congress Hall.
Prof. Núria Bonada
University of Barcelona Spain
Dr. Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber
BOKU University
Dr. Amrita Srivathsan
Museum für Naturkunde
Dr Arne J. Beermann
University of Duisburg-Essen