Abstracts & Presentations


The official conference language is English.

During the symposium

All participants, including speakers, have to register at the information desk to receive the conference bag, badge and “certificate of attendance”. Every attendee should wear her/his official badge visibly at all times to enter the sessions.

Scientific programme


There are 3 types of presentations: plenary lectures (performed in the Congress Hall each morning), normal oral presentation and poster presentation. The programme will be arranged as parallel and non-parallel regular sessions (Congress Hall, Business Lounge) and poster session (Lecture Hall foyer). The final programme will be available at the conference website in spring 2024.

Guidelines for Presenters


Talks except plenaries will be scheduled in 20-minute slots. We strongly encourage presentations of no more than 15 minutes to allow 5 minutes for discussion and questions from the audience. The time limit will be strictly enforced by the session chairs to facilitate keeping the time schedule of the symposium.

The final oral presentation schedule will be available on this web site and at the registration desk. Speakers are required to provide the final version of their presentation on a USB flash drive (memory stick) / external hard drive and upload it to the respective computer in advance: ideally during on site registration or a day before presentation, but latest in the morning for (morning sessions), or during lunch break (afternoon sessions). Files will be removed after presentation.

Please, name your files as follows (according to final program): “Session_slot_Last name” (e.g. RS1_1_Mamos)

Acceptable formats for presentations are Power-Point (*.ppt, *pptx) or Adobe (*.pdf), both 4:3 and 16:9 formats are supported. During the on-site submission, CESAMIR2024 technical staff will be available to assist you. After uploading your presentation, please check it to make sure that all fonts, images, animations and/or audio/video clips are working properly.

Conference rooms will be equiped with laptop computers, data projectors, screens, laser pointers, microphones (optional). Personal laptops cannot be used for presentations. The presentation computers use PowerPoint with Windows operating system.


The prefered poster size is B1: 100 cm height, 70 cm width (max 100x90cm).

Each poster will be assigned a number (published in the final program and on the web site) that will lead to the poster panel provided by organizers. Posters should be mounted after the on-site registration (Sunday evening) and during Monday, but no later than 1 hour before the start of the Poster session.

Audiovisual equipment and additional presentation files are not allowed for poster presentations. Poster mounting tools will be provided on the site.

All posters will be exhibited in the Lecture Hall foyer during the whole symposium and presented during the Poster session (Tuesday afternoon). All poster presenters are expected to be available on Poster session for questions and discussion.

Posters should remain on panels at least until poster session is officially over.


CESAMIR2024 presenters are authorized to use the symposium logo on their presentations.

Submitt your Abstract Now!